I went back for the first time yesterday. It's a new gym so I did the whole ....."Yeah I'm as cool as cat shit!" look as I hid in a corner pulling out my ipod shuffle and scoping the equipment with my lazy eye.
I spotted the rowing machines and headed for the safety of the rower and while I warmed up for 5 mins I looked in the mirrors at the rest of the machines. They all looked familiar thank goodness. Not much has changed over the 18 month absence in the way of gym advancements. I wanted to start off with chest and triceps as the legs I needed to save for a ride I had planned to do today (which didn't even get started due to the winds).
I did the cruise over to the free weight area and lay out the towel. Checked a barbell loaded with about 10kgs and then found a pair of 8kg dumbells. Ok I was set to go. By the end of the session I had felt the muscle burn again. I hadn't felt that sensation in a very long time and today as I write this I can feel the DOMS even though really it was such a light weight set from what I had been used to previously. BUT! We gotta start somewhere and the beginning is about the right place I reckon.
After the weights I found a quiet spot on the carpet and did some ab work before heading for a 5min walk on the treadmill. I hate navigating new treadmills but I managed to find the start button and before long had cranked it up to 10kmph and had knocked over a half hour of easy running. I was pleasantly surprised at how easily I ran. I remember the last time I run on a treadie I could barely run 10mins at 8.5kmph. But the half hour was done and dusted before I knew it and my breathing was easy throughout with just a light sweat under the bra line.
It's times like these that I enjoy a lot. Being able to recognise how far I have come in my fitness. It reminds me that I can improve despite getting older, but also it's a time to reflect on how far I have come and how much I have achieved. It's a good feeling indeed.
Heading for home I felt really happy and positive about the 12wbt ahead. I have signed up with Michelle Bridges who has a 12 week body transformation program. I feel certain that I can make the next 12 weeks really make a difference. Also, I feel I can't really fail to improve hopefully to the next level as I have those all important elements in place....
- Accountability - Coach
- Triathlon Program - Coach
- Diet Program and accountability - Michelle Bridges
- Time - no job (just casual work that I can do at home at midnight if I want to)
- Drive - ME!
Bring it on!
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