Whoa! 12 years later.
What does life look like now? Well it’s the same damn struggle. What the hell!
Current stat - 5. Months out from Ironman and I am the heaviest I have ever been. A whopping 75kilos. Yes, I am overweight.
I have been getting body scans monthly to monitor, and muscle is continuing to grow while fat fluctuates depending on eating regime and how clean I can be in my eating.
Reading back through this page I had forgotten that my weight was once at 59 kilos. Now I just wish I could get a goal of something starting with a 6.
- Pre Workout - Protein whey shake
- Breakfast - 1/4 cup of oats, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/2 slim milk, dash of water
- Morning Tea: Latte
- Lunch: 20 almonds, Protein whey shake
- Pre Workout: Banana or piece of fruit
- Dinner: 100gms chicken, 2 cups of veggies (swt pot or brown rice if I am needing etc energy)
- Supper: piece of fruit (optional)
over 1 hour: add sports supp endura
Looking back....to the last entry here I realise how far wrong I have been in my nutrition. Still learning of course. But in 2012 I am still carrying the weight I was trying to lose 2 years back and so obviously it aint working folks! Here's to having another crack! With added motivation now....Yep Ironman #2...I really don't want to carry the extra kgs around the paddock with me. So much needs to change. Mostly habits and emotional eating. But here's my go at turning it all around.........
Weight Loss:
Starting weight 66.7kgs27.2.2012 - 65.1kgs
12.3.2012 - 64.9kgs - slowly heading in the right direction.
19.3.2012 - 64.8kgs - wow this is slow going! Focus this week is diet, clean eating & wise choices!
26.3.2012 - 66.3kgs - backsliding due to stress at work and lack of focus. Time to find the focus again.
17.4.2012 - 64.3kgs - back on track, now at home and unemployed, let's see what I can do without the distractions of morning teas, coffee runs and sabotage from other staff AND if I can keep the focus on my training. Stay tuned!
23.4.2012 - 64.1kgs - ok not a huge loss, but still a loss. I wanted to be under 64kgs by now but 100gms over.... well hang on I'll just run to the loo <grin> Signed up to do a 12 week body transformation program starting 4 June so hopefully with some accountability with my eating and nutrition, I can shift the last stubborn 6kgs. Let's get down to race weight peeps. Yeah and hold it!
22.05.2012 - 63.5kgs - heading in the right direction again. Starting a 12 week body transformation and going to focus on my diet and gym work through winter. Hopefully the good habits will stick and make it a lifestyle I can adhere too.
28.05.2012 - 63.5kgs and holding steady. Nuts!
31.05.2012 - 63kgs oh yeah Baby! Did the measurements for the 12wbt today and had a very pleasant surprise.
6.06.2012 - 63.8kgs, nuts! again. BUT!!! I know I have been 100% honest on the diet and I have burnt my calories so I know we just have to wait for the body to corporate and get on board. Hopefully some of that is lean muscle too.
13.06.2012 - 61.8kgs, oh yeah baby!!!!! It's shifting. We have movement in the RIGHT direction. I can notice it mostly around my ribs. I can feel my ribs but can also see them in the mirror. Tummy is a little flatter and of course the boobs have all but disappeared. nuts! oh well, you gotta take the good with the bad. But overall very happy.
27.06.2012 - 62.1kgs. Yep I know it's up!....But I have a good excuse. No I don't. But we went to Tassie and I indulged on the amazing food down there. I had a couple of wines and enjoyed myself. And I'm ok with that because as soon as I came home again I was straight back on the diet. Just a minor set back towards the goal and Tasmania trips certainly don't happen everyday. It's called life. So I am not beating myself up about it. Just getting on with the job.
18.07.2012 - 60.4kgs. Success at last. Its been about a month since I last posted here and in between times my weight has fluctuated, totally reflecting my life I have to say. Crazy times peeps and would probably take 10 couch sessions with a shrink to work it all out. but hey, hang on I had the couch sessions so I must be working it out. and yep, cryptic but there it is. the goal creeps ever so closer and I feel amazing for it. Check out my blog for 18/7/12.
16.08.2012 - getting excited now team. Weight this week is 59.7. That is officially the lightest I have weighed since I was 28. So I am very Happy. The most exciting moment was when my Coach asked if I had lost weight? And then asked how I had lost the weight? Making sure that I had done it the right way. But 4 months of loss is the right way. I am probably now a the weight I want to be at. I just want to focus on maintaining the weight and also tining and strengthening so that I am muscular and not just skinny and with loose skin rolling around in my bike nix. Wish me luck.
10.09.2012 - Freaking awesome result on the scales this morning.....59.2. I can do more and I can do better. I am very very happy with the ol' bod for meeting me halfway and doing the right thing and cooperating with this crazy goal.
24.09.2012 - ok, so I have been adding a little, losing a little. This morning I weighed in at 60.9kgs. So time to refocus on eating clean so I make sure it all doesn't creep back on. I haven't had any blow outs (which I am very happy about) but I have strayed a little or rather just adding a few extras over the top of the diet. I'm thinking (if I can manage it) 58.5 to 59kgs will do it! Watch this space.
Also, I have an appointment with the dietitian that Coach wants me to go to for race and daily nutrition at the end of October. Here's hoping I can be at my weight by then and keep a diary so she can make some adjustments to the diet so I can maintain the weight but not lose energy either.
15.10.2012 - Holding at 60.2kgs. With the amount of training I am doing, along with the diet, the body seems happy to hang around the 60kgs. Never turn your back though, it could sneak up so quickly. Dietitian appointment next week.
29.10.2012 - Post Port Mac 70.3. Weight 59.6kgs. After seeing the dietitian I think I will try hard to get to 58kgs. She said I could stand to be a bit lighter. Mind you I want it to be toned and strong, not just skinny. Wish me luck x
19.11.12 - Back to 60.2kgs. Seem to be able to maintain this weight and exercise and have energy no problems at all. There is room for a little clean up and watching the portion sizes. That means no ice cream for me tonight ;)
21.1.13 - I haven't been here in a while and I realise that perhaps that's a bad thing when I see the scales this morning. 61.9kgs. Got to stay on top of this weight game. It is definitely the one thing that beats me every time. This weeks goals....
- Watch what I eat - diarise everything.
- Monitor my meal sizes, hubby tends to serve up big meals and so I eat them when I know I shouldn't. Not blaming hubby here, just got to take ownership.
- Cut out the crap! Chocolate, ice creams, soft drinks have snuck their way back in.
- Don't get too hungry. Have sensible choices available.
- Timing - get it right.
- Planning - do the meal plan tonight and stick to it.
- Don't get complacent, it's a Gorilla!
Scales are down again. - 60.8kgs. The best thing is that I have been 60.9 for the last 4 weeks and now with the increase in training I have lost 100gms. I hope that my body has accepted that this is the new 'norm' and continues to hover around the weight even after Ironman is finished. Of course I realise that what I put in and what I run off is all up to me. But previous to I.M training my 'norm' seemed to be abut 64-65kgs. Still chasing that illusive 59 though. Stay tuned.
20.5.13 - 60.4kgs. still seems to be the norm now. Will work hard to get to Oly weight now of 59kgs.
6.6.13 - 60.4kgs. Working hard on the diet and losing the weight steadily. Got a little side tracked yesterday as lollies were on offer at a time when I was feeling a bit stressed at work and I hadn't had a chance to have lunch. Hmmm. I see a problem here. I have to keep on top of my meals. This last week or so has been about juicing. I have been having a banana smoothie for breakfast, and having juice across the day. Almost a cleanse accept I know I can't cope on juice alone, so I have added soups at night to keep the energy flowing. I feel great energy wise. Motivation though a little off. But I will write a post about that too.
12.6.13 - SUCCESS! 59.9. 900gms til I reach goal weight. Starting to notice signs of weight loss more now as we creep ever so slowly toward race weight. Number one of note....the girls have disappeared. Nuts! Always going to be a casualty of weight loss and I accept that but just an audible buh! In response to the shrinkage. Other areas worthy of note are my wrists. Can wrap my fingers round my wrist and touch my thumb and pinky together. News! And looking more ribby across the chest more than ever. I need to keep the chest strength work up so that I don't get old lady owl chest. Perhaps too late already, but swimming and running should hopefully keep some muscle tone on there. Still on the juice diet with adding extra food at night for dinner has seen the steady decrease in weight with out losing the energy so onward and upward...I mean downward. 59 even, here I come!
28.8.13 - 63.7kgs buh! There it goes again.....self sabotage hits once again. Lack of control and focus and BAM! Back up the scales. Time to reign it back in and get back down to fighting weight. Wish me luck.
22.11.13 - 65.1kgs The casualty of every great holiday is the inevitable weight gain. Can see it, Can feel it wobble. I have joined a gym. Got to re-find the focus and drive and off we go again. War is ugly folks. This is an never ending battle.
30.12.2013 - 65kgs. The last entry for 2013. From a starting weight of 61.3kgs I went down and then I went up and up and up. Not good, but I think I was down more than I was up. Let's make the magic happen again shall we!
13.2.2014 - 63.3kgs. I guess its a very slow move in the right direction.
3.3.14 - 63.2kgs. Well, holding steady I guess with a roller coaster in between is not getting me anywhere near my goal.
1.4.14 - 61.4kgs. On my way back down, as promised in my last post. My goal of seeing myself beyond 60kgs and not relaxing when I get there is driving me here. I am going to stay strong and get there this time. Not sure where, where is. But I'll be there soon ;)
14.7.13 - 63.9kgs. Some things never change. Certainly the see-saw continues.
20.10.14 - 62.9kgs. post America weight check-in and after 8 days of very low caloric intake 900. Very happy to be back down this end of the scales. But more to do. Feeling focused!
11.12.14 - 61.2kgs. Still sliding in the right direction. Holding strong on the sugar free lifestyle, but finding it hard to stay focused some days with work stresses and Christmas. Majority of the time I am a good girl.
7. 9. 15 - 63.2kgs. Its always with a couple of K.G team. I think its a sea saw but never outside of out of control. 1 month today til we hit 50years old. Hang in there Sammi
Total weight loss to date: 7.5kgs (give or take)