Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Post Tassie Debrief

ok, so here we are. Mid week 4 of the 12 week body transformation and I am 2 kilos up from last weigh-in. I'm not stressed. Did I say that out loud? I AM NOT STRESSED MUCH!!! Nah I'm ok. I know exactly why and how I bumped up the needle on the scales.

My Brother Chris, me and Mel
My girl Mel and I have been visiting my brother and sister-in-law down in Tasmania for the last week. And who can go to Tasmania without tasting the amazing food down there. While we ate very healthy food, I did increase serving sizes and sampled things like cheeses and wines which aren't my usual fare.

I also didn't do my usual training schedule. In fact Coach called it a rest week and didn't send me a program. I didn't have access to a gym to do the 12wbt specific program. HOWEVER, we did do several hikes which kept me busy and moving. We did a fantastic walk through the Mt Field National Park and for the first time in my 46 years I got to make a snowman and feel the snow on my eyelashes and face plant into a snow drift. Good times. Sooooo that means a spike in the scales, but now I am back, I am focused as ever and ready to get back into the weight loss goal and training regime.
Me & Jabba at the Cascades Brewery.
The tradition in a snowman
on the bonnet of your car at the top
of Mt Wellington and drive down as far as
you can without him sliding off. We left
Jabba at the bottom....Winners~!
The only other problem I have, and which was a contributing factor to my lack of excercise, was that I pulled a muscle in my back while I was packing my backpack to go to Tassie. Youch! It has been tricky and very painful and has restricted my movement a lot and we had to adjust our intended 4 day hike to just day hikes. The change in itinery worked out well but in the end my goal of running up Mt Wellington just like the Biggest Loser gang did fell in a heap and I had to be satisifed with being driven up the mountain and perhaps reschedule my idea for November 12 when the Point to Pinnicle race is on. 21km half marathon run to the top of Mt Wellie. Never mind. Its all good and I am back on track.

The view from our hut we stayed at
overnight including Wallaby & Snowgum

Today was a trip to the physio. Not Coach but one of his colleagues as he is in Spain being team physio to the Triathletes going to the London Olympics. So it was a relief to have treatment and to have the locum tell me that my injury is muscular and should ease with further treatment, stretching and light excercise. Still it is frustrating for me. I feel like every time I get some distance and gains in my running (particularly), I have a set back. I know 'that's training' for you. But I really stress about running and my ability, skill and whether I can get enough training under my belt to do the job at Ironman the way I really want to. In my head I hope for a 4:30 marathon. That's a 1 hour improvement folks. Perhaps it is too much to hope for. But let's aim for the stars hey!
The day hut we lunched at during our hike along the
Tarn Shelf, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania
The Tarn Shelf Hike. Simply Beautiful.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tri Winter Training

So winter has hit Aus with a vengence!

Winds lashing the coast, driving rain and the gas heater is on 2 bars and I am tucked into my jammies and sipping hot tea.

Nope, we tri folk know that winter (off season) is where the quality stuff happens. We get back out in the hills to strengthen legs for the bike, we do long steady runs to build endurance and we find a pool (for me the indoor 25m is my compromise) and we roll out the drills in order to perfect technique. It's quality time folks! Just got to get out there and do it.

Took a drive into Kiama after a swim session the other day and took a couple of pics.

Kiama South of the blowhole

Huge seas at Kiama

The sun was trying so hard to shine through but the wind was so hard I didn't want to get out of the car. With flash flooding and surf so big the beaches are being eroded, my options for now are the indoor wind trainer, indoor treadmill and indoor pool.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Panthers in the Gym

Had a big day planned in the gym yesterday. Arrived keen and pumped. Noticed there were lots of cars in the car park and hoped it didn't mean that everyone was in the gym. Wrong! I peered in and well, I couldn't see the equipment for the man mountains that were hulking about in there.

I spotted one of the gym assistants who was hiding behind the desk and gave her the 'oh crap I am the only girl in the gym' look. She gave me the 'Yeah I know aren't they gorgeous' look which I wasn't so concerned about as my response of 'how am I going to get my fat ass round the gym in front of these dudes?' Yep there were about 15 Penrith Panthers (A-grade Football Team) in the gym and lil ol' me.

Well, I am here to do a job and by crikey its going to get done!

So I hid on the X-trainer for 5 minutes and summed up enough courage to get my jacket off and join the masses. I pushed the earphones into the ear, turned up the volume on the shuffle and headed for the assisted pull up machine for my chin up set. Of course none of the boys were on that one so that was easy. Make sure you get 10 Sam! Drop the weight and show them your mettle! And then I was off.

I moved about the gym being careful to respect space and keep out their way. Did some impressive overhead shoulder presses and after about an hour had completed my set. Meantime the 15 boys had left and another 15 Panthers showed up. Thank goodness they all didn't show up at the same time. No way would I have been able to find the guts to work out.

Some lady turned up from the local paper, camera in hand. She made sure to keep me out of the photo. pht! could you imagine me working out in the background as Brad Tighe is rocking out a chest press. Not a good look for his street cred I'm sure. lol. Oh well, I wont make the paper. devastated! NOT!

Over in the stretching area I did my ab work and some core stuff, sumo squats and mountain climbers. Needless to say the DOMS this morning are really kicking in.

I have been 100% clean and honest on the diet and I'm hungry but not ready to eat a Possum just yet. I have done all of the gym sessions as well as completing my triathlon traning program. Though I am down on a swim at the moment. The work that I am doing at the moment is pressing me for time, but I will get there. A bit dissapointed about a weight gain this morning. 63 up to 63.8kgs. I'm not sure how that works when I have been such a good girl. BUT!!! I have watched enough biggest losers to know that the weight is going to come off and its only day 3. It could be muscle gain, water retention, etc etc so no stress here just moving forward and knowing that it will be off next week or the week after that. Consistency is key!

12WBT Progress Tracker

Monday, June 4, 2012

Setting the Pace Monday

Today is a special day. It's the first day of the 12 week body transformation program AND the beginning of some massive changes coming my way. I am so determined to get this Ironman thing happening and to get it right.

I was up at a reasonable 8am this morning. Tomorrow is a 5.00am start so I allowed myself the extra ZZds and enjoyed the lay in. Up and straight into making the first breakfast of the new program. No dramas, and easy. After breakfast and a quick F.B update I pulled on the running gear, did my pre run warm up exercises. We love clams, 1/4 squats and a quick roll. And then it was out the door and a warm up power walk to the top of the hill behind my house and then start the timer on the Garmin and we're off.

An easy run planned with 9minute run/1minute walk. I enjoyed the winter sun on my back, cool breeze making sure I didn't sweat and work to hard and a course that saw me running through streets that I knew as a much younger woman. Another life, another time, other dreams and thoughts long forgotten, and new directions. It was nice to remember and nice to run through and out the other side of those places in my heart and ease back into the present and back to my home.

Once home it was morning tea time and with the hassle of thinking out the way, I reached for the pre-planned snack and then stretched and relaxed a little.

After lunch I had made arrangements to meet a friend for my first (pop that cherry Sammi) Mt Bike ride. I had so much fun, scary fun and arghhhhhh moments as we hurtled down grass slopes, oh nooo moments as we slid into muddy puddles and laughs as my legs, that I thought were strong, let me down on the steeper up hill slopes. It was a great day and great x-training.

Home again, a quick change and it was off to the gym for a strength workout. Loads of bucks in the gym. Bugger! I slipped in amongst them vowing to come earlier next time as the gym is all my own. But we make the best of any situation and before long I have the beat blasting in my ears and the steel in my hand and I love the burning feeling my muscles are experiencing. Its a good burn. Torture the muscle so it comes back stronger.

Dinner and a few chores and now finally with my feet up, I can do the stats:

Calories in: 1200
Calories out: 1087

Run done, X-train done, strength done. I'm very happy with a great start.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wet and Cold Shopping Days

Went shopping today in preparation for next weeks diet. Ouch!!!!

Ok expensive BUT!!! all of these extra items wont be every week and so I forgive Mich for the injury my credit card received, poor thing.

Loved looking for new items to add to the Sammi B cooking repertoire. Like what the heck is Risoni? Or rather I know what it is just couldn't find it on the shelves. hmmm more research required there. Other items such as ricotta, swiss cheese etc all add up to an exciting week of discovery and hopefully some meals that we can add as the stalwarts we have now.

I got to say though, we do eat pretty healthily already. I have had people comment on how clean our trolley is as we go through the checkout. Luckily I am home at the moment "We are in between jobs or reassessing our options" as it were pht.... so anyway, cooking each night will be ok and hopefully fun. Cooking is not one of my favourite sports. I spent the entire year of home economics scrubbing burnt pots when I was at school.

Other than the diet......

Exercise this weekend has fallen well short of intended goals. 90km bike ride with a 30minute run off the bike has been a wash out and looks like the duathlon planned for tomorrow might be the same. Nuts! looks like the swim will go ahead though so don't look out the window, just grab your toggs and head for the pool Sammi. You know you want it! 4km session with some buddies along for company should make the pain go away. Some what.

I'll make up for the ride on Tuesday hopefully. Meantime DOMS, DOMS, DOMS! Wow!!!!!
Back in the gym and the ol' body is sure feeling it. In such a good way though. DOMS means the muscle got worked means it will get stronger, means Sammi will get to her goal. Fitter, leaner, STRONGER!!!! Hoo-ah

Well, rain it may well be, but there are alternatives and certainly loads of things to do to pass the time til the sun shines again.

Com'on Monday!!!!!!!! Just get here.