Monday, June 4, 2012

Setting the Pace Monday

Today is a special day. It's the first day of the 12 week body transformation program AND the beginning of some massive changes coming my way. I am so determined to get this Ironman thing happening and to get it right.

I was up at a reasonable 8am this morning. Tomorrow is a 5.00am start so I allowed myself the extra ZZds and enjoyed the lay in. Up and straight into making the first breakfast of the new program. No dramas, and easy. After breakfast and a quick F.B update I pulled on the running gear, did my pre run warm up exercises. We love clams, 1/4 squats and a quick roll. And then it was out the door and a warm up power walk to the top of the hill behind my house and then start the timer on the Garmin and we're off.

An easy run planned with 9minute run/1minute walk. I enjoyed the winter sun on my back, cool breeze making sure I didn't sweat and work to hard and a course that saw me running through streets that I knew as a much younger woman. Another life, another time, other dreams and thoughts long forgotten, and new directions. It was nice to remember and nice to run through and out the other side of those places in my heart and ease back into the present and back to my home.

Once home it was morning tea time and with the hassle of thinking out the way, I reached for the pre-planned snack and then stretched and relaxed a little.

After lunch I had made arrangements to meet a friend for my first (pop that cherry Sammi) Mt Bike ride. I had so much fun, scary fun and arghhhhhh moments as we hurtled down grass slopes, oh nooo moments as we slid into muddy puddles and laughs as my legs, that I thought were strong, let me down on the steeper up hill slopes. It was a great day and great x-training.

Home again, a quick change and it was off to the gym for a strength workout. Loads of bucks in the gym. Bugger! I slipped in amongst them vowing to come earlier next time as the gym is all my own. But we make the best of any situation and before long I have the beat blasting in my ears and the steel in my hand and I love the burning feeling my muscles are experiencing. Its a good burn. Torture the muscle so it comes back stronger.

Dinner and a few chores and now finally with my feet up, I can do the stats:

Calories in: 1200
Calories out: 1087

Run done, X-train done, strength done. I'm very happy with a great start.

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