So the come back has started. A great couple of swims so that this morning I felt pretty comfortable throughout the entire 3km set. I have made a date with The Onion Man now a few times and I have really enjoyed swimming with him. He laps me every 6-8 laps so I try hard to be aware and keep left for him. He is an amazing swimmer. The commitment to meet up with him has seen me getting out of bed with enthusiasm. I'm missing Roberto like mad, but hopefully we will have him back on the road soon. But The Onion Man keeps me honest too. He doesn't stop swimming until I have my set done. So for my 3kms he has easily done 3.5 to 4ks.
I had another fun session with the music on blast with good mate MrsS. She needed a push to get started and admittedly so did I. So when the tunes started pumping through the speakers and the lights of the Rave playing on the TV started flashing, I found the old spark and enthusiasm. We had a good laugh and because its winter I turned the heater on and so before too long we were sweating buckets in the dark and counting down the minutes with each set. Well, 1:15mins later and the buddy had to dash off and I was left feeling relaxed and happy. Happy to be back in the saddle.
The diet has been hit and miss for a while. Mostly 80/20 clean so not too bad, but no weight loss. But I have been reading Tony Robbins' book, Awaken the Giant Within. Tony prompts that while not easy, we simply need to make a decision. What ever it is, just decide. Transfer the decision to discipline and make good practice a habit. I had success with this with the 5am club of which I am now no longer a rookie trial member, but have signed up, subscribed and now a valued member of the 5am club. And, I have successfully rewired my neural pathways so that now, for the first time in so many years, I am sleeping through the night. It stands to reason that I can choose another thing I would like to change about me, make a decision, decide, apply discipline and subscribe until it becomes a habit. While I can't take on the whole list (as Big Gazza says the list is soooo long) I can choose the top couple to focus on. So the 'to do' list is diet and TV. (Next blog stay tuned)
Next step.... hmm, the road back to Triathlete has so many options. Let's see. I think importantly, I need to get back out on the road again. Find some hills. But first a cruise around the bock would be good too.
I heard something that stuck with me today from a Blog
The excuses you make are lies; and are apparent to everyone else but you!
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