Port Macquarie half Ironman! Here I come! Come what may!
No prayers though. Not for me. Just work to be done. My head is calm. Nervous? mmmmm not really. As I sit here reflecting on my feelings I think about the past 6 months and how I have faired. I have ticked the majority of my program boxes. This instills some confidence or at the very least a realisation that there was not much more that I could do in preparation for the event so not worried. What will be' will be.
I am happy with how I have been swimming. My stroke has improved. A lot more 'long boat' than 'short boat' action happening. If I don't improve on my time it is still ok as I will finish less fatigued due to improved form. The bike? again, I have done the work. I have been doing regular 90km rides so I know I can do the distance. Oh but the run......... I have had the ITB injury, I have not done hardly any running, the longest run I have done is 50 minutes. I am not sure if I am going to hurt myself again. Not sure if I can do the distance...... obviously here is the glitch. Oh oh, can the Sammi run? Stay tuned teamsters. This could end in tears. lol. Seriously though, if I have to walk the whole damn way, I will.
The only other area of immense concern for me is my weight! I have only myself to blame. I put on my race kit and felt like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man. This is within my ability to control and I have not done it. For every kilo I carry on the run, the more energy I use, the more speed I sacrifice, the more poundage I put on my joints. This team; is where I have failed in my prep. The run was due to injury that may have been avoidable if the weight was gone. I'm talking 5-6 kilos here. Not massive, not enough to lose the loose skin that embarrasses me as I run. The weight will be my major focus after this race. I can not do an Ironman at this weight!
There are 5 of us doing the whole race. and there are two teams of 3. So 11 people in all plus friends. By mest mate and chief "Sammi Catcher" will be at the end waiting for me. It is an awesome feeling seeing her standing there at the finish line. Her arms open wide spurring me on to finish. It is going to be a wonderful weekend. I'll get back to you shortly and tell you how it plays out team. Til then train safe x x
it's def on the way!