Saturday, January 2, 2016

Sammi’s 2016 Goals - Repeat and Improve Some More!

Races –       
A – Western Sydney 70.3 – Repeat and Improve on 2015
B – Husky Long Course – 19-22 February 2016
C – Elite Energy Olympic - Nowra, Wollongong, Husky 1                

(Other thoughts, Sydney 10km & Husky half marathon)

Long Term Goal

To enter an Ironman in 2017 and race it!
Short Term Goals -
Become strong, comfortable and confident in my ability at Olympic distance
Maintain consistency in all aspects of training, recovery and nutrition, and work/life balance
Run again consistently, maintaining 10kms as regular distance

Performance GoalsPush harder during races, no excuses of it's just for fun.
Get to a level where I have a race plan from Coach rather than just ‘go out and have fun.’
Improve on ‘score’ at the next power metre test session

Process Goals Swim through winter
Ride hills and get stronger and more efficient on the hills
Learn to understand and use the power metre
Keep up the strength/core work, work harder
Improve communication with Coach, not just say ‘good’ for each session/week
Nerve/mental prep, deal with the nerves pre-race

Personal Goals

Clean up the diet
Stay on a healthy, clean diet, don’t let stress at work break the focus on the diet, stay out of the chocolate box Bowden!
Stay true to the Program
Maintain focus, commitment and consistency
Get up in the mornings and just Fucking DO IT!
Finish work and just Fucking DO IT!
Keep recording on Training Peaks

Strength Work
Review program for strength training (overall)
Go to the gym regularly 3-4 times per week
Do more/harder core work at home

Mind and AttitudeStay focused by staying true to the goals
Remember to have fun
Rest and recover when needed
Enjoy racing - be serious about racing and be competitive

Friday, January 1, 2016

And SO, I Guess That Was That Then............2015

Sammi’s 2015-16 Goals - Repeat and Improve!

So how did I do this year? hmmm, always a tricky question as I tend to mark myself pretty hard. But here goes.

Races –
A – Western Sydney 70.3 – 29 November 2015 - BOOM! Back at it and felt like I had a great race. See race report from earlier post. But I have to say it felt good just being out there and being a part of it again. Worked hard in the swim and on the bike, worked even harder on the run to keep it all together and made it to the finish line.

B – Husky Long Course – 19-22 February 2016
Well, its 8 weeks to race day. After a solid break of nothing doing over the Christmas period, I am ready to get back in to it. I'm relying on the base I got up prior to Western Sydney to see me back quickly getting the work done. Fingers crossed the plan comes through. I'll keep you posted!

C – Elite Energy Olympic - Nowra, Wollongong, Husky
(Other thoughts, Sydney 10km & Husky half marathon)
Nowra - Done!, Wollongong - Done! Husky 1, Sydney 10k and Husky half... a no show due to the ol ITB issues. HOWEVER, a win this year and a small breakthrough I feel, is that I have learnt to strap the ITB and I can run again now. The chronicity of the joint and the ligament has had a chance to subside and I hope with continued care and management I can get back to these races again in 2016.

Long Term Goal – To one day enter an Ironman again and take a good crack at it!
Still the plan. Just need to find a race and set a date. Melbourne was cancelled for 2016, but perhaps a go in 2017. Possibly Cairns as well. Loads of training time then too. I'll keep you posted.

Short Term Goals: - Become strong, comfortable and confident in my ability at Olympic distance - Maintain consistency in all aspects of training, recovery and nutrition, and work/life balance - Challenge and test the training over winter at the long course events.
Still a work in progress, Olympic distance is the preference, but way off being confident in my abilities at this distance. I think my winter training was a lot better than previous years. I swam through winter again, except while Coach was away in Spain. But otherwise fairly consistent. Could have done better a always though.

Performance Goals - Push harder during races, no excuses of it's just for fun. - Get to a level where I have a race plan rather than ‘go out and have fun.’ - To not lose position in a race during the run - Improve on ‘score’ at the next power metre test session.
No power metre test session this year, pft. But I don't think I would have seen a huge difference in my performance anyway. I would like to start using the bloody thing at some stage though. Talk about an expensive pair of baubles on my bike. Racing was (for the first time) at Western Sydney "to plan" well my own plan. But I felt like it all came together on the day, despite some small hiccups. I lost ground on the run, but I'm ok with that.

Process Goals - 
  • Get back to Wednesday running group - started to get back there but July saw an end to that.
  • Swim through winter - swam except for when Coach was overseas
  • Do the swim/band exercises more often - nope, not even close
  • Ride hills and get stronger and more efficient on the hills - nope not a hill in sight
  • Learn to understand and use the power metre - nope, not even close
  • Keep up the strength/core work, work harder - stayed fairly consistent, slacked off when Tri season started again and the big ride increased, but getting back on again in 2016 and going to do the leg workouts despite if there is a big weekend coming or not.
  • Focus on the quality and session purpose - yep, I think I am finally getting the idea on this one
  • Improve communication with Coach, not just say ‘good’ for each session/week - I think I was doing well until the ITB went before July Sydney 10k. Then I went off the boil again.
  • Nerve/mental prep, deal with the nerves pre-race - Western Sydney proved that I can control the nerves. I need to do more helicopter work and not engage myself in the drama of it all.
  • Perhaps winter ITC duathlon series, nope, not even close.

Personal Goals
  • Clean up the diet - Stay on a healthy, clean diet, don’t let stress at work break the focus on the diet, stay out of the chocolate box Bowden! - Well, I think I managed to stay outta the chocolate box about 80% of my year. It definitely is the way to go. I will detox in 2016 starting now and keep at it for a full year. The sugar and junk is JUST NOT WORTH IT!
  • Stay true to the Program - Maintain focus, commitment and consistency - 2015 was about consistency and it paid off at Western Sydney. Consistency is key.
  • Get up in the mornings and just Fucking DO IT! - Finish work and just Fucking DO IT! - hmm, harsh but I think I missed too many. I have t improve. Turn off the brain and stop listening to the whining.
  • Keep recording on Training Peaks Strength Work - Got the shits after July and stopped for a while, but back on to it now.
  • Review program for strength training (overall) - Strength training is proving difficult to fit in. Answer, just get up earlier.
  • Go to the gym regularly 3-4 times per week - 2 -3 times seemed to be doable. Will strive for more in 2016.
  • Do more/harder core work at home - clams, clams, clams we all love clams. Clammed my little heart out. Still, can do more though :)

Mind and Attitude - Stay focused by staying true to the goals - Remember to have fun - Rest and recover when needed - Don’t try to ‘catch up’ on missed sessions - Make it a lifestyle choice, an obsession rather than a chore~you chose it, remember! - Enjoy racing - be serious about racing and be competitive.
I think my mind and attitude at times throughout the year were at odds with each other and there were times when I questioned whether I was doing this thing called triathlon just outta habit as I didn't have anything else better to do. While my attitude sucked at these times, my mind and my body kept ticking along and the lifestyle that we have adopted and the habit of it all...saved me time and again. Turning 50 this year punched a hole through my brain and my attitude. Am I too old for this shit!. Having spoken since to women my age and older, much older who are still up and going. Who are positive and loving life, I am determined to keep on going. Do the things you love Sammi.