A – Western Sydney 70.3 – Repeat and Improve on 2015
B – Husky Long Course – 19-22 February 2016C – Elite Energy Olympic - Nowra, Wollongong, Husky 1
(Other thoughts, Sydney 10km & Husky half marathon)
Long Term Goal –
To enter an Ironman in 2017 and race it!
Short Term Goals -
Become strong, comfortable and confident in my ability at Olympic distanceMaintain consistency in all aspects of training, recovery and nutrition, and work/life balance
Run again consistently, maintaining 10kms as regular distance
Performance Goals
Get to a level where I have a race plan from Coach rather than just ‘go out and have fun.’
Improve on ‘score’ at the next power metre test session
Process Goals
Ride hills and get stronger and more efficient on the hills
Learn to understand and use the power metre
Keep up the strength/core work, work harder
Improve communication with Coach, not just say ‘good’ for each session/week
Nerve/mental prep, deal with the nerves pre-race
Personal Goals
Clean up the diet
Stay on a healthy, clean diet, don’t let stress at work break the focus on the diet, stay out of the chocolate box Bowden!
Stay true to the Program
Maintain focus, commitment and consistencyGet up in the mornings and just Fucking DO IT!
Finish work and just Fucking DO IT!
Keep recording on Training Peaks
Strength Work
Review program for strength training (overall)Go to the gym regularly 3-4 times per week
Do more/harder core work at home
Remember to have fun
Rest and recover when needed
Enjoy racing - be serious about racing and be competitive